Assessment and Monitoring


We try our best to use the time in the classroom properly, implement our curriculum efficiently, and apply our syllabus appropriately. After that, we assess the achievement of our children accurately. Then we inform the parents about their children's progress. Our assessment procedure is following:

Syllabus: Yearly syllabus of each level is divided into three parts. The first part is taught in the autumn term, the second part in the spring term, and the third part in the summer term.

Monitoring: Students are monitored by the class teacher daily basis. Management will monitor the progress of children with a specially designed checklist at end of each month.

Support:  Students that may need extra support will be provided with extra support care in partnership with their parents/guardians.

Exam: An exam will take place at the end of each term written and orally. Marks of three-term will be added to find out the final position of students.

Grade: Marks of each subject will be graded using the letters A, B, C, & D (A=91-100, B=71-90, C=61-70 & D=50-60). Under 50 will be considered unsuccessful.

Award: Students will be awarded by the class teacher with certificates of achievement on a monthly and termly basis for their best achievement and awarded with trophies at the end of their academic year in a yearly ceremony.

Result sheet: A full result sheet (progress report) will be provided to students /parents after the end of the year.

Certificate: Students will receive the final certificate when they complete their courses successfully.